

At Sigma DeltaX, we excel in seamlessly integrating cybersecurity measures into your automotive software, ensuring full compliance with ISO 21434 standards. Our specialized Automotive Cybersecurity Integration Service focuses on effectively integrating key security components, including Csm, CryIf, Crypto, SecOC, and FvM, into your software architecture. With a comprehensive understanding of these security elements, we meticulously configure the security stack to safeguard against potential cyber threats. Our team works closely with OEM specifications to tailor secure diagnostics solutions that align with your specific requirements. By harmonizing secure communication protocols and ensuring smooth integration of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), we provide a robust cybersecurity foundation for your automotive projects. With Sigma DeltaX's Automotive Cybersecurity Integration Service, your software will meet the highest cybersecurity standards, fortifying your systems against vulnerabilities and ensuring a safe and secure driving experience for your customers.


  • Building HSM firmware
  • Configuration of host Crypto-Stack (Crypto, CryIf, Csm)
  • Integration of SecOC
  • Configuration of FvM/SokFm
  • Configuration of OEM specific Secure Diagnostics
  • Handover

Use Cases

  • Expertise acquisition